Pri nástupe do prvého ročníka na vysokú školu som nadobudol pocit, že všetci okolo mňa vedia viac. Jednoducho sú skúsenejší, dospelejší, sčítanejší a najmä rozhľadenejší. Taký bol v mojich očiach i Dano z Nitry – spolužiak so skúmavým a večne nedočkavým pohľadom. Chcel spoznať čo najviac. Mal odvahu vrhať sa strmhlav do nových hlbín a treba uznať, že mu to išlo. Prirodzená rivalita bola najlepšou pôdou pre napredovanie a rast. Naberali sme sily na skúšobné lety do neznámych priestorov, do neohmataného sveta tvorby. Ako bonus dostal Dano do života múzu – spolužiačku Máriu (s majstrovskými iniciálami „M.S.”). I dnes si spomínam, ako ich moja filmová kamera zachytila, keď spolu uháňali po slimákovito zatočenom schodišti rektorátu. Zo spolužiačky – reštaurátorky obrazov je dnes manželka – výborná reštaurátorka Danovej duše. Spôsobom obom vlastným – usilovnosťou, sa spolu prehrýzli školskou abecedou a s dychtivosťou vybehli do sveta. Nepamätám si Dana ako depresívneho introverta, ktorý by riešil svetové problémy, ale ako optimistického rozprávača o svete, žongléra s vybrúsenými farebnými stupnicami a milovníka provokatívnych kontrastov na maliarskom plátne. Plátno pre Dana nebolo nikdy bitevným poľom, ale miestom rozhovorov o radosti zo života. Je zaujímavé sledovať umelca pri práci a ešte zaujímavejšie registrovať jeho vývoj, vzostupy i zakopnutia, v dlhšom časovom horizonte. Daniel Bidelnica sa mi po čase javí ako kondenzátor svojich poznatkov, podnetov zo svojich ciest po svete a tým aj impluzov z iných kultúr. Po transformácii záznamov sa z neho stáva vykladač stavu zažitého. Opustil dráhu opisovania, približovania sa iným kométam a hviedzam. Dnes má vlastnú dráhu. Počúva zvuky svojho vnútra, vníma a dešifruje vlnenie svojich pocitov. Možno zajtra prekríži svojou nehasnúcou zvedavosťou aj iné kruhy, ale ak mu nepohasne jeho energia, ostane sám sebou. To mu prajem na ďalší let.
Peter Pollág
When I entered the Academy of Fine Arts, I had the feeling that all the others around me knew more than I did, were more experienced, more mature, better read, more broad-minded. This is how I viewed Dano from Nitra, an ever impatient fellow student with a penetrating look. He wanted to learn as much as possible and had the courage to plunge into new depths. One has to appreciate that he was good at that. A natural rivalry among fellow students was the best ground to make progress, to mature, to gain strength in order to make trial flights to unknown spaces, to the immaterial world of artistic creation. Dano received a special gift from his life – a muse embodied in his fellow student Maria (with the M. S. initials of maestro). Even now he remembers how I captured them with my cine camera as they were rushing down the spiral staircase of the building where the Rector’s Office is located. His fellow-student Maria turned into his wife – an excellent restorer, the rescuer of works of art and certainly the saviour of Dano’s soul. Together they absorbed the school alphabet in the way characteristic of them and eagerly rushed out into the world. I do not remember Dano as a depressed introvert who resolves problems of the world, but I have recollections of him as an optimistic narrator about the world, a juggler with refined colour scales and the lover of provocative contrasts on the canvas. For Dano the canvas has never been a battlefield, but rather a place for dialogues about the joys of life. It is interesting to watch him working and even more interesting to trace his development, his achievements and stumbles within a longer period. With the passage of time Daniel Bidelnica seems to me as a condenser of his knowledge, of all the stimuli from his travels around the world, of all the impulses from other cultures. After transforming his records, he becomes an interpreter of the state of experience. He abandoned the path of description, his approach to other comets and stars. Today he follows his own path. He listens to the sounds of his interior, perceives and decodes the stirrings of his feelings. Perhaps he will cross other circles with his insatiable curiosity, but if his energy does not diminish, he will remain true to himself. I wish him all the best for the future flight.
Peter Pollág